Membership fees for 2025:

Joining/Membership and charges are:

1. Annual Subscription of £30
2. For non members a one off monthly demonstration or workshop is £5. Additional specific workshops may be charged for.

Annual Subscriptions are due on 1 January each year and payments can be made by:
- Cheque at any meeting, payable to Bury St Edmunds Art Society, with your name and address on the back, or by post to our
BSEAS Treasurer & Membership Secretary c/o 43 Westley Road, Bury St Edmunds. IP33 3RR.

- Direct Bank Transfer to Barclays Bank, Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1DY
Sort code: 20-16-12 Account: 53147967
Please put your name with your transfer payment to help keep our records up to date and avoid unnecessary reminders
Also mail with your address and contact details so we can add you to our mailing monthly

- Cash at any monthly meeting on arrival although we would prefer payment by cheque or Direct Bank Transfer

For membership enquiries, email the Treasurer & Membership Secretary at

How BSEAS Members can submit photos of their paintings for a gallery page.

Programme of events for 2025